SAAS Guest Posting

If you own a SAAS product and you want to grow inbound traffic and leads via SEO, you will need to engage in link building to grow the authority via inbound links to your site’s web pages.

There are several link building tactics, however one of the most scalable options is guest posting.

BGDM’s link building team can audit your website and competition to assess how many links, the type of links, and the adoption speed that is required to get your SAAS products to rank well on search engines like Google and Bing.

As the site’s improve their ranking visibility, there should be an increase in the amount of visitors to your website and also an increase in the quality of the visitors to the website.

There are several guest posting vendors that will offer you links for a cheap price. Quality guest post links are very competitive and are unlikely to be replicated by competitors in your market.

You want to pay for quality that will give your SAAS business a competitive edge, so that your business can earn the majority of SQLs (Sales Qualified Leads) in your market.

What should you consider with SAAS guest posting?

  • The relevancy of the website
  • The audience of that website
  • The longevity of that website
  • The traffic growth of that website (are there trends?)
  • The amount of inbound links to that website and it’s web pages
  • Will getting a link on that site drive SQLs?

What budget will you need for SAAS guest posts?

10 Placements will start from $3000.

Ready to start your campaign? Get in touch.

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