SEO ( Search Engine Optimisation)

Typography, Font & Paragraph optimization for engagement and conversions

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. A few years ago, I looked into optimizing the font, typography, and paragraph spacing on my site to see if it had an impact on my site’s engagement and conversions. And to my amazement, it did. It is something that is easily overlooked, since most people upload a website …

Typography, Font & Paragraph optimization for engagement and conversions Read More »

7 tactics for getting high-quality links in the next 30 days.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you want your web page content to rank well on the search engines, your content needs to be relevant to the search query and it needs to have links pointing to the content. The more high-quality links you have pointing to your web content, the more likely your …

7 tactics for getting high-quality links in the next 30 days. Read More »

List of 200+ travel guest posting blogs that accept links.

Travel guest blogs

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I’ve decided to start sharing some of the sites that we reach out to for link building to help out other SEOs that are a part of the BGDM community. As every SEO knows, acquiring links can be a challenge. Finding sites that will accept links is the first …

List of 200+ travel guest posting blogs that accept links. Read More »

Can Trackback links help your site’s SEO performance?

Trackback link building

If you have a WordPress website, you will be familiar with trackbacks appearing in your WordPress CMS dashboard. It’s a great way to know if your site has been cited. But will approving trackbacks on your website improve your site’s SEO performance? Let’s take a look into it. A trackback is essentially another site linking …

Can Trackback links help your site’s SEO performance? Read More »

How many links does it take for a new website to rank on the first page of Google? (African Safaris case study)

Safari link building case study

Back in 2013, we did a link building experiment in the safari keyword sector. A business that was six months old were engaging in an SEO campaign that had seen them gain initial traction, but they were struggling to get results in a competitive field. We had prior experience when it came to ranking websites …

How many links does it take for a new website to rank on the first page of Google? (African Safaris case study) Read More »