Many business managers underestimate the commercial impact that blog posts can have for a business. And many people that develop the content don’t know how to demonstrate the commercial benefits that a compelling blog post can have for a business. I’ve been fortunate to work on different campaigns where the published content generated qualified leads and led to sales of the business’s products and services. At the end of this post, I will reveal the 3 things that every piece of content must serve your business as a lead-generation magnet.
The post that I will be using in this example is 60 Ways to get natural links.
Why did I decide to publish content on this topic?
In the SEO world, the primary factors that drive SEO rankings are web content and the links to the website. SEOs have used black and grey hat tactics for a long time. With Google effectively combatting spam with its algorithm updates, people engaging in SEO activities are seeking effective white hat ways to acquire links that will allow their website to rank on Google. I wanted to address how businesses could successfully implement white hat SEO strategies with their overall marketing strategy.
This post took me about 30h to research and write; which I did in between my client work.
What happened after I published it? And how did I get leads?
I shared the content on my LinkedIn profile, on Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus and with businesses that I had previously contacted. Within 2 days, I received 3 lead enquiries about my link building services. 2 were from Twitter and 1 was from Facebook.
I converted 1 of the three leads into a sale that was worth $1,000 Australian dollars.
The promotion that I did was very small, since I wanted to develop my site’s web content rather than focus on getting client work. Had I been more aggressive in sharing the content to generate more inbound leads, I am confident that I would have generated more inbound leads and converted more sales.
Because I have this on my website, I can always use this as a resource to get more business in the future.
In the past when I used to manage a digital marketing agency in London, I would use the exact technique to close deals with clients. In February 2014, I managed to close $30,000 worth of sales by using this same technique.
It is important to know the difference between blogging and content marketing.
Blogging is publishing content without any clear strategy. Blogging can work, but it increases the commercial risk.
Content marketing uses content to generate qualified traffic to become leads and customers. When implemented well, the leads are qualified and pre-sold on the product or service that your business is offering.
How can you make a blog post work for your business?
You need to develop content that will trigger interest from your business’s relevant audience and then guide them to recognise your business’s expertise and the value that your business can offer them. One of the quickest ways to achieve this is by addressing the common frustrations and problems that they face and to demonstrate in your content how your business can help solve those issues. They may choose to do business with you. If not, the content will help to build a relationship with those people who may choose to use your business’s products or services in the future or to recommend your business to their friends and family.
If you would like to outsource this, you can subscribe to monthly blogging services for your business.
PBN Services$66,000.00
White-label SEO$5,500.00
Blogging Services$5,500.00
SEO Writing Course$5,000.00
SEO Blog Post (1000 Words)$2,000.00
Link bait content post (Skyscraper blog)$2,000.00
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It’s amazing that among 3 leads you have got 1 big sale. Thank you for sharing this amazing inspirational post
Thank you Siful. BTW, I checked out your blog. Pretty cool. Keep up the good work 🙂
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