Google Ads Audit


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Google Ads is one of the best ways to get in front of the people that are actively searching for the products and services that you are selling. However, it is easy to waste money and efforts by spending money on the wrong things.

What is our goal with a Google Ads audit?

We look at the overall business performance and not just the metrics in the account. Our goal is to make sure that your Google Ads account is performing as a profitable marketing channel for your business.

This audit allows our team to investigate and diagnose issues, and to identify areas and opportunities that need to be revamped so that your Google Ads campaign can be relaunched and give you the best chance to outperform the competition, and achieve the ROAS that you desire.

What are some of the items that we look at when conducting a Google Ads audit?

We look into items such as:

  • How the budget is being spent each day using Google Ads.
  • The type of campaign has been setup. (Performance Max, Search, YouTube, Display, Email, etc)
  • The geographic targeting.
  • Google Ads account audit
  • The ad groups and ad copy.
  • The keyword targeting.
  • Keyword intent.
  • Conversion tracking
  • CPC vs CPM
  • Landing page copy
  • Landing page conversions
  • UX experience
  • Conversion rate optimization

What should you expect from a Google Ads audit?

You should see an improvement in conversions (ideally leads and sales), and a reduction in your cost per acquisition cost.

How long does the audit take?

It will take approximately 30 days to conduct a thorough analysis of the account with recommended actions that can be implemented after 30 days.

Book an audit now.