How to increase your blog traffic!

How 1 blog post attracted 2000 visitors in 1 week.

How 1 blog post attracted 2000 website visitors in 1 week.

Content marketing is a strong buzzword that is going around in the internet community. People know that it is important, but not as many people know how to practice what they preach. Furthermore, many people are unaware of the value content marketing has on a business. So rather than preach about its benefits and what it could do for your business, I am going to share a real life example of how 1 blog post brought in over 2000 new website visitors in 1 week.

A couple things to bear in mind with this example.

  • The blog post was developed in French.
  • The market was targeting people interested in Afro hair maintenance.
Olivia Rose 10 Raisons pourquoi vos cheveux afro are toujours secs
Olivia Rose 10 Raisons pourquoi vos cheveux afro are toujours secs

Original post

Blog post.

The ‘slang’ word we use in the office is that we need to give people golden nuggets of information that they are craving for. And the information must be presented better than any other information has already been published for that market. Mediocre posts will get mediocre results. Epic posts should get epic results.

The blog post addressed the problem of having dry natural hair.


The blog post was promoted on the Olivia Rose Facebook page, which had less than 2,000 fans at the time. The post was well received and was shared online. The article then got picked up by this Facebook page, which that had over 50,000 fans. The share on this platform drove 900 new website visitors in 1 day!


Olivia Rose analytics overvew
Olivia Rose analytics overview
Olivia Rose Analytics 1 week.
Olivia Rose Analytics 1 week.

How did she benefit from doing a post like this?

She gained new subscribers to her website. She will be able to promote her other forms of content such as videos from her YouTube channel. She will also be able to promote affiliate products and her own products to them in the future.

  • She improved her credibility profile as an afro hairdresser.
  • She created an opportunity to get media features.
  • She created an opportunity to earn natural links to her content.
  • The article helped to improve her website’s SEO visibility on Google.

When you build posts like this, they become an asset that your business can use to demonstrate credibility.

Formula for developing a valuable blog post.

Target audience x delivering facts & learnings = Valuable content

Don’t believe the hype that writing 300-10,000 words of fluff will suffice. End of the day, people want value. Give them that and more! When you achieve this, you have surpassed their expectation and earned their willingness to advocate and refer your business to others. And endorsements are much more valuable to your business over the long-term.

Find out how you can crush your site’s traffic targets with epic blog posts.

See how this blog post earned my business an extra $1000 within 3 days of publishing. 

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2 thoughts on “How to increase your blog traffic!”

  1. Hello David,

    You’ve got an amazing guide here.

    To make a niche blog like her rank that way, getting a media feature is necessary. I’m glad she got it.

    Personally, what I normally do is to apportion a target page view to each of the blog posts I want to promote per day and watch how they perform. If one performs well, I will create more content like.

    Doing this simple thing has helped our blogs grow beyond measure.

    Thanks for always sharing great value.


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